Sunday 30 October 2022 will mark the end of the exhibition ‘Cento un secolo di collezioni‘ organised by the Civic Museum of the Armed Forces 1914-1945 in collaboration with the G. Zannato Civic Museum, the municipal administration of Montecchio Maggiore and the Italian War History Museum of Rovereto, at the museum premises in Via del Lavoro 66 in Montecchio Maggiore.
The exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the Museum’s establishment will end with a cicerone of excellence who will tell, through the words of the founder himself, Cav. Giuseppe Zannato, how the Museum was born and developed.
It will start from the origin of his collection up to the idea of making it accessible to the pupils of the primary schools where it was housed in 1922, and it will be possible to hear his words on the motivations for making an Educational Museum, saying: “while I smile with the hope that my work, to which I have dedicated decades of patient love, will enrich the Scuola del Popolo in the future with greater lustre.
This is an innovative and decidedly forward-looking idea, as it proposes museum education as a complement to classroom teaching. Thus, Cav. Zannato is not only a benefactor for the city of Montecchio Maggiore, but also a keen observer of the society around him, understanding the needs of schoolchildren even before museum education becomes a subject of study.
This will be followed by a guided tour of the exhibition with the director of the Museo Civico delle Forze Armate 1914-1945, Dr. Stefano Guderzo.
The event is by reservation only.
Guided tour times: 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
The Museum is open and can be visited from 9:00 to 12:00
For information and bookings please contact or call
0444 746211 / 340 5978913 / 3481041417