The Museo delle Forze Armate 1914-1945 is part of the Third Sector entities, which is why it is included in the list of entities to which you can donate 5X1000 from your tax return. This way of support allows us to continue with our historical research and restoration activities related to the 1914-1945 historical period.
To donate 5X1000 to the Association Museo cultori della storia delle Forze Armate 1914-1945 simply put your signature in the box “ONLUS e assimilate” on your tax return and enter tax code 90008630247.

Free donations
The activities proposed by the Museo delle Forze Armate 1914-1945 require the use of specific professionalism, continuous study and constant monitoring of the health of the assets. This commitment can be supported by individuals and companies through free donations, it can be a one-time or become a recurring donation.
All types of donations are tax deductible.